thrift store tips

-a home scene-

let’s chat about those dusty vintage gems that can help turn your home into a place with charm in a really inexpensive way.  thrifting has become a way of decorating our home, a small business (olive june vintage) and a bonding experience with my children + friends + my mom + cousin over the past year or so. although i am still new to the process, i feel like i have made up for lost time in many ways and have learned a few tips that i thought i would pass along- in case you are also a thrift store lover. 
in many ways, i have always been an ‘old + nostalgic soul’ and have always loved the hunt for timeless pieces- pieces that have a previous story; a story that i want to carry on. i have longed and lived for shopping at garage sales since i was a little girl. i can remember a few outings with my aunt very vividly… and now, as an adult, i love to mix new and old pieces together to create a home for our family. 
going to a thrift store can be an overwhelming experience, especially if it’s your first time. there are a lot of things to look for and most of the time, it’s not organized: piles and piles of things. over time, i feel like your eyes become trained to see what others may simply walk past. when you first walk in, try to familiarize yourself with the layout of the store and then ask yourself, what sections am i most interested in searching through? … as you explore, try to enjoy the hunt. thrift shopping requires some thinking outside the box and some creativity. i encourage you to envision how the item can be used without getting distracted be all the other things inside the store. and have fun in the process!
the most popular person in most thrift stores we visit:
some of my favorite things to purchase | 
wicker, pottery, linens, art, vintage baby clothes, books, vinyls, candle sticks, mugs, wood dinnerware/bowls, and all the floral
 five thrifting tips | 
01. go often | the more you go, the better your chances of finding pieces you really adore + will cherish for years to come. great merchandise turns over really fast in thrift stores. sometimes i just do a quick 5-10 minute ‘pop in.’ i have also discovered that as the seasons change, it’s an excellent time to shop. if you feel like deep cleaning/purging, others probably are as well… 
02. analyze each piece and stay away from stains | before you buy it, check the cuffs, collar, around the hems, etc. for holes and stains. after this, you can decide if the item’s imperfections are fixable or not. (i have found that about 90% of the time, stains are not able to be fixed- sadly.) 
03. always get a cart | i try to always get a cart- whether i am planning on purchasing a lot or a little. carts often go quickly (esp. on sale days) and you never know what you will find. i often put things in my cart when i see something that catches my eye- and then at the end, i go through each item and decide. i lost a beautiful persian rug runner for $2.99 at goodwill once because i debated and walked away- as someone right behind me snatched it. note: sometimes i use our stroller as well. my older son loves to hold onto the side and play with his cars + trucks around it. 
04. save with sale days | be sure to check if the thrift store(s) are going to have a sale day. most places have certain discounts (usually it’s 50% off of a certain color tag.) at value village, the last wednesday of the month is 50% off the entire store (with a few exclusions- like shoes.) however, the lines are usually very long on these days (and i have both boys on wednesday mornings!) but the finds and deals are usually worth the wait. and i am very blessed that my boys are usually really good little shoppers. 
05. be patient and take your time + if you’re hesitating, leave it | sometimes it can be frustrating when you don’t find anything trip after trip, store after store. i think it’s important to remember to go in with the mindset that not finding anything is a big possibility. just be patient and keep looking … it takes time, effort, and a lot of searching. at the end, if you’re really hesitating, leave it. and then if you are still thinking about it a week later, go back, and if it’s still there… it’s meant to be! (at least that’s my mentality!) i also try to go back on a sale day and decide then.
nash’s nursery is full of thrift store finds
browsing antique malls are also a favorite pastime of mine (sleepy poet and gibson mill in concord)
here is a pinterest board where i pin home inspirations
if you’re local to charlotte, north carolina, here are some favorite places to shop:
+ goodwill (there are so many)
+ salvation army 
+ community thrift 
+ value village (three stores)
+ zab’s place (matthews) 
+ bargain hunt (two stores) 
+ st. michael’s thrift in gaston county
+ habitat for humanity restore (i love the one in mooresville most- and the one by carolina place mall)
did you know that you can also shop goodwill online? here is the main website
thrifting with nash on tuesday, 4.30.19 in downtown matthew, nc
another recommendation is to save decor inspirations and shelfs/corners/areas of homes you love on  your phone from pinterest + others to help with inspirations while you are shopping. 
happy thrifting and please tag me on instagram with your hauls 
(i adore seeing these!)

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