a grateful heart

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sharing a snack with his dad under the trees 

a grateful heart ||
01. a night out with my husband saturday (a thank you to my in-laws for taking the boys overnight!) 
02. celery with peanut butter 
03. sundress weather 
04. fresh salads and cheese boards 
05. my enneagram journey so far (so insightful, powerful, calming) 
06. a breeze through the trees 
08. that our sweet bird family survived the wind storm (so many sweet messages + prayers on insta)
09. weekends with family 
10. books from the library 
11. time out with other moms this past week.. sharing stories and advice and giving comfort to others
12. iced coffee in the afternoon 
13. reading outside 
14. this children’s book: the rabbit listened (parks and i love it so much!) 
15. supportive friends; the ones you can be your true self around… 
fresh roses from our front yard
we spent sunday afternoon at my friend’s urban farm/garden (soulshine organics) during ‘open streets 704.’ it’s such a magical spot … chickens, bees, flowers, veggies, lots of gorgeous trees – and a view of the city. a local brewery had a tent and we spent a few hours with friends/parks’ buddies
my desk / new thrifts 
this boy LOVED the chickens and when the rooster would crow- he sat and watched them for so long
a home scene
how adorable is this little tree cove?
thursday evening we went to the whitewater center for live music and food with some the sweetest of friends. i loved watching the kids run around barefoot as the sun went down + the sound of the rapids around us…
this babe … i just can’t get enough.
what is your heart grateful for today?

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