our weekend | little glimpses

this past weekend was the calmest one we have had in a very (very) long time … it was so good. it involved a few home improvement projects, board games by moonlight, pizza delivery, and one dream autumn day as a family. it also involved adding little pieces of natural autumn elements around, some quiet time with parks, diffusing blends, and little cinnamon brooms. this year has been wild… but i am so grateful for this current season;  the crispness outside and the start of our new ‘normal.’

“live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air” – ralph waldo emerson

little glimpses |
my husband bought me the white billie holiday album for christmas last year – it was on my ‘wish list’ but he didn’t know
she is our go-to to play on a weekend morning at home
we went to a local farm for pumpkin painting, fresh cotton candy and to run around + enjoy the animals (the weather was so wonderful!)
nash charlie’s first-ever taste of strawberry cotton candy
we live in the most beautiful state – it continues to take my breath away
if you are local, check out the davidson playhouse and sweetwater farms (both beyond amazing + we love!)
a reminder i am always working on | be flexible. adapt. don’t rely on old habits – confront, embrace, be firm, and move forward. after the farm, we walked around downtown davidson and explored the beautiful college campus- which reminds me so much of my own alma mater.  brick streets and buildings and stunning trees and a special quaintness.

in the downtown area, the kids played at the park while we sipped a beer and then we ended the day with queso and a smokey marg on main street
-another adventure together-
i hope your weekend was lovely, friends

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