an afternoon at the park

august 12 . 2019

i have been thinking so much lately about the delicacy of our life right now. i find myself studying my boys in a way that has become so essential; a way for me to get through the days with more joy in my heart than i ever could have imagined. i hold them and i whisper to them – all of the great things about them. i tell them to be nice to animals and bugs and things and to people. to stand up for what they believe in and to follow their big hearts- always.  
i notice the way they wander and run across our floor, tiny feet slamming with only a sound they can each make. i notice the way parks slurps his cereal and picks up his candy land cards so delicately and loves to play with his rubber stamp set. i watch how nash looks at his big brother and ‘ooo’s’ with his lips and surrenders to his bed with his stuffed bunny tucked underneath his arm. the way they both wave kindly at strangers and always want more watermelon. 
nash charlie started walking the week of july 22 
and he is exploring with his big brother even more than before … he’s in heaven.
my sweet husband left farmer’s market (my favorite) flowers on our counter before leaving for my brother’s bachelor party this weekend
a thrifted aztec blanket and sesame street books (they love these so much)
thank you for following along on these hard… but oh-so-magical days
with our little family
it means more than you will ever know
+ enjoy your weekend

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