a grateful heart

“the thankful heart and a praying mind
are the revealer of the secrets of beauty.” 
― toba beta
it’s a muggy summer morning in mid august and i am writing this post from a local coffee shop; a new one that i just discovered near our home (and am loving.) it feels good to be back in one of my happy places- even for an hour or two. my mom has been in town visiting since last tuesday while my husband has been enjoying my brother’s bachelor party in torch lake, michigan. she is flying back to ohio later today but we have enjoyed our time with her so very much. it’s involved coffee chats and games of candy land and shopping and a beautiful church service and splash pads/parks and bakeries and movie + takeout food nights together. thank you, mom for everything. my boys love you dearly- and so do i. i am so grateful for you and everything you do for us. it’s been nice to have some time alone while also savoring some quality time with you. your help has been so wonderful and we appreciate you – and your really good heart. 
celebrating a school friend’s birthday this past saturday
my current spot | trade and lore 
a grateful heart //
01. a date night with my husband last week . a gorgeous french restaurant (la belle helene) and then a hole-in-the-wall bar for a beer
02. football season is just around the corner (and pumpkin season) here is my autumn pinterest board
04. white petals 
05. a loving church community that embraces all – oh, my heart loves it.
06. our two new plant babies 
07. early morning moments 
08. seafood with a glass of spicy red wine 
09. fresh peaches and lemons and mangos
10. ‘just because’ flowers left on the counter before my husband’s trip 
11. oak milk lattes
12. a date with my mom this past friday… an old student watched the boys while we went ‘back to school’ shopping (felt just like old times… like we should go back home/the mall was about an hour away and do a fashion show for my dad.) my mom and i strolled shops and then went to the most incredible spot- fin and fino in uptown. it is definitely a new favorite- just so good. (if you live in charlotte, you have to go soon!) i loved spending one-on-one time with her … so relaxing and fun and much needed.
working on the boys’ baby books . available here
beautifully made by korie harold 
i hope you have the best week
what are you currently most grateful for?

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