a grateful heart


“i am
letting go
i am finally
to outgrow
the spaces
that tried
to restrain me.”
-morgan harper nichols
a grateful heart |

01. card games underneath the market lights
02. reading books to my boys before bed- we started taking turns putting each one to bed and i look forward to this individual time
03. the way the Holy Spirit whispers
04. pretty bread boards
05. homemade peach ice cream
06. smoothies and oils
07. a new yoga studio (yoga changed my life in my mid-twenties- in the best way. it brought me both confidence and calmness)
08. all our plants
09. gentle morning light
10. really loving nathaniel rateliff’s voice
11. i miss our city – so much. but i am so grateful to live here.
12. mini thrift store runs (i have only gone three times since march – but i savored them even more)

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