may intentions

it dawned on me earlier this week that i totally forgot to do an ‘april intentions’ post … with everything going on, it honestly didn’t cross my mind last month. lately, i am trying to live more out of intent and less out of habit. we have been trying to create a new rhythm + spring has been so beautiful here (which has helped).  overall, our kids have done extremely well and now i am focusing on myself; some personal needs and also a few ways i can hopefully serve other people. i find myself still trying to wrap my mind around it all … but am trying to find a way to be present and to take in my time with my family.
may intentions |
01. take deep breaths
02. move my body
03. make bread
04. check on family + friends
05. read at least two books
06. delete photos on my phone
07. clean out remaining closets and fridge
08. do art with parks
09. stay healthy
10. walks outside
11. drink more water
12. morning devotionals
13. create
14. give/volunteer
15. paint my nails
16. meditate nightly
17. ask for help when i need it
18. a date night (at home)
19. acts of kindness

hope you are all having a wonderful week

what are some of your intentions for this month?

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