the guy behind the blog {volume two}

 welcome to the second edition of ‘the guy behind the blog’ on simply love
1 // do you
have a good luck charm or ritual? (like a lucky coin, or you always used to
listen to a certain pump-up song when you played sports in high school or

mr. monaco: I would like to say my wife is my lucky
charm, but since we’re looking for some more material, I would say my Italian
Horn that I’ve been wearing around my neck since I was 14. A family friend gave
it to me when I was moving up to PA and it is my most cherished possession
besides my wedding ring. I’m very proud to think of myself as an Italian
American and this is another reminder of where I came from.

2 // what
is your favorite dish that your wife/fiance/girlfriend makes for you?  do you have any fun memories of a time when she tried to cook
and it totally flopped or does she get it right every time?
mr. monaco: Nelle makes a mean
taco. We love to have Taco Tuesday every once in a while and it always comes to
be just right.
3 // what did you want to be when you were growing up? 

mr. monaco: This was never a question that I could seriously
answer. I had no idea what I wanted to be until a couple years after I graduated

4 // which of the five senses is your strongest? 

mr. monaco: Taste. I love to eat many different types of dishes whether
it’s Italian, Indian, Thai, etc. I’ve also become interested in drinking good
Bourbon. The different types of tastes due to the wood barrels makes all the

5 // would you ever run for president? 

mr. monaco: Heck no. I have my beliefs and convictions just like the next
person, but I have never agreed with how the political realm proves to be time
and time again. I would have a major issue with the lack of truthfulness in
Congress. Plus, I’ve never really liked drawing attention to myself.
thank you sweet betsy at heavens to betsy for hosting!
…it’s a lot of fun and i have loved reading the posts so far…
come say hi – instagram . facebook . twitter . bloglovin

Comments (2)

  • Emily @ Ember Grey

    April 3, 2015 at 3:16 am

    Loved reading this 🙂 It's so fun to get to know the guy behind the blog!

    1. nelle monaco

      April 23, 2015 at 5:17 pm

      thank you so much emily!! i LOVE this link-up!!! hope you're well and 'see' you tomorrow for our coffee tour- eeee

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