ten children’s books for fall

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now that parks is back in school, he seems to be relaxed and calm and more ready for bed than during the summer hours. his little eyes start to get sleepy around six in the evening. still, a picture book (along with affirmations and prayers) remain the most beloved time of our day. lately, we have been reading simple, quiet books … and books about strolling through nature and taking adventures. because isn’t childhood, in a nutshell, all about capturing everyday magic and discovering the comfort of routine. 
i wanted to share some of the titles we have been reading with you all

ten books for fall //
01. maple by lori nichols 
features an irresistible, free-spirited, nature-loving little girl who greets the changing seasons and a new sibling with arms wide open
02. children make terrible pets by peter brown 
my sister bought this recently for parks and we all love it. it’s funny and is a story about a first pet 
03. little poems for tiny ears by lin oliver
for babies and toddlers, each moment is full of wonder and discovery. this delightful collection of poems highlights everyday things.
04. bear & hare- where’s bear? by emily gravett 
two animal friends play hide and seek; such a charming story
05. abc school’s for me by susan b. katz
get ready for school with this clever, rhyming alphabet song 
06. little blue truck halloween by alice schertle
little blue truck and his friends have a costume party! there are flaps which reveal the animal behind each costume (parks loves this series so much) 
the incredible life of “the mother of the freedom movement” 
08. two hands to love me by diane adams
“i’ll bathe you in bubble and soak you in sun, 
then wrap you up tightly when bath time is done.”
this soothing book for your very young and will tug at your heartstrings and remind us all of the caring hands that helped us along our way
09. the giant jumperee by julia donaldson and helen oxenbury
a winning story of friendship and facing fears 
10. tiny, perfect things m.h clark 
my favorite book for my boys at the moment. a relational book of observation and gratitude which encourages children to find and appreciate what the world around them has to offer. 
now, your turn! 
i need to fill my library bag

Comments (2)

  • Catelyn f

    September 18, 2019 at 2:00 am

    For Nash: peek a who? It's got simple rhymes and is fall themed. ��

    1. nelle monaco

      September 26, 2019 at 1:51 pm

      you're the best!! thank you so much

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