simply loving

“and the beautiful thing about 
God is this: even though we
cannot fully comprehend His 
love, His love fully comprehends.” 
-morgan harper nichols

how much do you love this vintage radio? 
it’s on the top floor at sleepy poet | gastonia
01. the sleeping at last song for enneagram nine (my number) – just like every song in the series, it’s so beautiful. and brought me to tears – many times. it’s just magical (and was written by a nine/the singer) 
02. all the linen clothing
03. sleepy poet antique mall in gastonia– it’s in a historic building on the main street downtown and i enjoyed browsing alone last weekend very much! i recommend spending an afternoon there hunting…
04. grapefruit essential oil
05. fresh peaches and green apples
08. our mini polaroid camera 
09. celebrating our sweet nash this week 
10. the weather the past few days has been in the eighties- but with no humidity- and it reminds me of the summer days in the midwest- and i am loving it! 
11. jeni’s ice cream (the best ever) 
12. parks’ interest in photography… he loves a good detail (or twenty) of the same thing a,m ,mknnd i adore watching him create…
a photo from our visit to my hometown last week
hope you have the best weekend
…any exciting plans…

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first birthday celebration | a garden picnic for nash {part one}