september intentions

“never forget how wildly capable you are.”

a look back at my august intentions //
01. focusing on unplugging and looking at my children’s faces + strangers faces … what they are feeling, what they need.
02. purging + rearranging our home  
03. read at least two books 
04. farmer’s market once a week 
05. yoga as many times as possible 
06. journal 
07. a date night with my husband 
08. a habit shift | move to non-toxic beauty products/hair and bee’s wraps instead of foil + plastic 
09. daily prayer + meditation + stretching
a morning in the city with nash 
september intentions // 
01. a shopping ban . only purchasing the essentials this month 
02. take parks on a date and focus on activities/time with nash while parks is at school 
03. work on the boys’ baby books
04. yoga + focus on my posture 
05. read at least two books
06. make a list of daily to-do’s for self-care (supplements, face, teeth, workouts) 
07. get my wedding ring fixed 
08. pick apples at a local orchard 
09. pack parks’ school lunch the night before 
10. add at least two collections to olive june vintage
11. clean out car and car seats weekly 
12. daily prayer and meditation 
13. finding non-toxic fall candles (to purchase in october!) any you love?
14. we canceled our cable + removed the television from our bedroom (and it feels really good)
a new spot in southend . eight and sand kitchen
nash and i went this morning with my cousin and her daughter
and i loved it. i highly recommend!
have a wonderful weekend + september
what are your intentions for this month?

Comments (2)

  • Meg

    September 17, 2019 at 7:46 pm

    I loved reading your monthly intentions. Such a great idea. And I love how you are combining daily prayer, meditation and stretching together. I'm going to try that.

    1. nelle monaco

      September 17, 2019 at 7:48 pm

      so sweet of you!! thank you so much and let me know what you think… hope you're doing well!

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