nash charles . 15 months | things i always to remember

the other day we played ‘pumpkin shop’ because his older brother really, really loves pumpkins

i feel like this wee little one keeps changing and growing and becoming more like a little boy instead of a baby … it’s so bittersweet. 
he is so lovable
things i always want to remember ||
01. your adorable dance moves and wiggles
02. how you are always looking over at your brother 
03. the excitement you express when your dad gets home from work or when i walk down the stairs and you are eating in your high chair
04. kissing you goodnight – you love to give kisses
05. finding you throwing wood blocks into the toilet with a mischievous grin
06. the way your body feels holding you on my left hip
07. your voice and precious words (you say: dada, momma, baba, ni ni, book, ball, dog, bye)
08. morning scenes- bed head and a sleepy smile
09. chubby dimple hands and pudgy toes 
10. how you wrap your hands around my leg at the kitchen sink and sweep with your mini broom
11. your happiness is contagious and you love to observe and explore  
12. when asked a question, you started to nod ‘yes’ or shake your head ‘no’
13. how you eat with your spoon now (you especially love yogurt) 
14. you started walking in july and are now running and climbing (you love to sit in little chairs and play with balls most)
15. this age is so much fun- so tender and new- and i always want to remember your little soul this way.
you never want to take this little white boots off…
nash charlie 
moon and stars
moon and stars

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