i am learning…

the notes section of my phone is full of quick flashes in time~ moments, a love letter to my husband, people to forgive, lyrics, books to read, funny and sweet things my boys say- it’s all there. lately, i have been using my notes section to write down things i have learned and am trying to live by them. our lives are worthy and they are beautiful and they are homemade. however, our heads are tricky creatures. by writing down my thoughts regularly, i am able to set a tone for my days.

here is my current list | 

01. light candles; the flicker can soothe the soul
02. always look back at where you came from
03. a warm bubble bath can solve anything
04. visit the library more
05. the importance of creating soul spaces
06. don’t compare your baby, your husband, yourself to others. you are loved and are exactly how God made you to be
07. sometimes lots of tiny red flags can turn into one big red flag
08. if you are feeling the itch to travel, start making some plans
09. create small bouquets on walks
10. when you are struggling, go outside and listen to the trees… it’s what peace looks like.
11. accept all types of people and lifestyles. release shame. embrace + show empathy- always.
12. being present over perfect
13. the enneagram changed my life. this book and a series at our church, forever changed and forever grateful… how i look at myself and how i interact with my loved ones- everything makes sense now. i am an enneagram nine/a peacemaker through and through. i hope to share more soon.
14. it’s worth it to understand the behavior of our kids – they aren’t trying to be bad. they are saying a lot through their actions. following and listening to janet lansbury also changed my life as a mother. she has a podcast, unruffled and i highly recommend it. she is wonderful and i feel so connected to her philosophies and belief in respectful parenting.
15. feel all the feelings

two things i read on instagram and wanted to share: 

“Sabbath rest is not a reward for hard work, but a gift of God’s grace. I used to think (and sometimes still do) that I don’t deserve to rest until I am exhausted.
What a damaging way to live.”

“As a grown-up I have learned that all the “Christmas magic” I felt as a kid was really a mom who loved me so damn much.”
-richard dean

parks james | age five 

nash charles | age three 

… what would currently be in your notes section …

all photos by | silver pebble photography
(ADORE you, amy!! thank you for capturing our love so well in the mountains of our beautiful state . taken at moses cone manor . blowing rock, north carolina at dusk on october 10)

Comments (1)

  • Diane Riethman

    November 19, 2021 at 12:31 pm

    Janelle, I love this post! And these photos of your beautiful family are stunning-couldn’t be more beautiful. I had always used my notes for grocery and shopping list. I think I am going to change that. Thanks for the inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving!

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