gentle reminders

“you are worthy of a beautiful, fulfilling life just as much as anyone else.” -mhn

maybe it’s all the travels or the extremely hot temperatures in charlotte during the summer (heat isn’t my thing) or maybe it’s my body adjusting to weaning/i stopped nursing nash on the 19th of july (it’s very bittersweet.), but i am honestly struggling a bit lately. i find myself reflecting and yearning for my ‘true self’ more than ever before … because when i look back on the early years with my children, i want to know that i did my very best to be as good as i could have- that i didn’t just have the potential but that i had the patience and wisdom to know where to place my focus and where to place my time. i find myself wanting to be the best version of both my old self and my new role as a mother to parks + nash simultaneously; bringing guilt and shame and doubt. 
i am really working on telling myself small, simple reminders throughout each day; in hope of letting go of the things that don’t really matter and to have the ability to really take in each day with them. to tackle these cherished years with open arms- to embrace, to enjoy, to thrive. 
i often find myself working so hard and giving so much and wondering if i am worthy of this beautiful life so far. am i giving all of the people in my life the time they each deserve?
and then the Holy Spirit whispers: ‘inhale, exhale. it is all well’

a few gentle reminders //
01. genuine love from others brings those divine moments from God 
02. the sun feels so good on my face- embrace summer.
03. we all have a story to tell – tell yours authentically. 
04. you can shift habits and things you do not currently enjoy – take the first step.
05. as i look around during a play date- you are not alone as a mom. other siblings love really hard. other kids run in coffee shops . other kids don’t sit still. cherishing the moments- while not comparing and swiftly slowing down if i feel like my kids are worn out 
06. your body is a beautiful thing- just the way it is 
07. you will miss who you’re made to be if you only focus on you think you’re supposed to be
because all of this is part of my story
here is an anonymous quote i saw on instagram the other morning
the morning after a really hard day: 
“I know it’s hard mama.
I know it can be hard to get up everyday and have these little people rely on you. I know it’s hard to feel like sometimes your world is so small. I want to remind you, you are the world. You are the world that those little ones revolve around. You are their nurture, their home and their comfort. You are everything to them, and I hope even on the hard days you know how special you are. Especially to the little people.” 

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