farmer’s market tips

when i was younger i loved playing on my grandparent’s farm in northwest, ohio- i loved the entire atmosphere. the old white barns, whimsical trees, the animals, playing in the hay mow with my sister and cousins, and riding with my grandpa on his tractor through the endless fields of corn, hay, and soy beans. one of the things that i have most about living in the south is that our growing season is a lot longer than most places. this is great for exercising {we enjoyed a nice forty minute run last night} and for year round markets. the winters are mild here, which allows for lots of great vegetation. i usually go to the market weekly and love, love the experience- every single time. i love the idea of eating as organic as possible and the concept of supporting local farmers. as a proud granddaughter of farmers {on both sides} and as someone who grew up in a small farm town — this means a lot to me. i actually think about how much i would love to grow my own veggies or work at a market in the summer ♥ {esp. the flower stand!} 
here are some farmers market tips to help you pick the best fresh produce for your family! 

1. ask questions- i always find the sellers some of the most friendly people and they always have great advice for taking care of and serving the produce! these sellers are usually passionate about their shops and have a lot to offer.

2. bring your own bags – i love to keep some in my car to be environmentally friendly and sometimes vendors don’t have bags so i like to go prepared. marshall’s and old navy usually have my favorite re-usable bags. they tend to be really cute and cheap!

3. carry cash- although some vendors now allow credit/debit cards, i try to bring cash {esp. smaller bills} just in case!

4. a shorter shelf life – remember that homegrown produce goes bad quicker than store bought veggies/fruit so make sure you buy enough for about one week and then you can freeze the rest. it’s sad when it goes bad before you can eat it all … which means weekly trips ideal if you are able to swing it! as i mentioned earlier, it’s become a ritual that i genuinely enjoy now. it’s often a highlight of my week!

5. have a recipe in mind- this always help me when choosing which items to buy each week. sometimes the displays are so beautiful that i tend to overbuy and then am not able to eat it all. another piece of advice- from prior experience- don’t go hungry!

6. lots of bonuses! if your market is anything like the ones we have in the carolinas… venture to the outside of the market for delicious seafood, cage-free meats, cheeses, local honey, beautiful flowers, pastries, and jams.

what are your market tips? 
… i would love to hear… 
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Comments (4)

  • Mae

    March 24, 2015 at 6:23 pm

    Great tips! Thanks, will be pinning 🙂

    1. nelle monaco

      March 25, 2015 at 2:33 am

      you are so welcome, mae! thank you so much!!

  • Rachel Nicole |

    March 24, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    Love farmer's markets. I went to one in Chicago a few years ago and it was HUGE…it's made the ones here look so piddly in comparison! I like the tip about having a recipe in mind before going. I tend to get overwhelmed by all of the fresh produce and the last time I went to a farmer's market, I left empty handed because I didn't know where to start!

    1. nelle monaco

      March 25, 2015 at 2:33 am

      agree girl! i went to one with my sister in lincoln park- unreal!! and a recipe is always a good idea!! xo

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