easter memories

i am currently listening to tift merritt radio with an afternoon coffee while the boys nap. and i can’t help but reminisce about yesterday and how much this day, this easter sunday, meant to me. our first easter as a family of four was so deeply sweet. parks woke up a bit later than normal; snoozing next to his dad while nash and i took in the morning downstairs. nash was the first one to discover that the easter bunny had arrived. parks’ reaction to his basket was everything. he was so tender yet so ecstatic over every single treat. we shared homemade muffins while billie holiday played. 
at our church service, we received a beautiful message on Christ that moved the contents of my insides all around simply because he lived and still lives – and that our church community is everything i ever could have dreamt of for inspirational spirituality in our lives- and so much more. it’s magical. 
then we went to a nearby park and took in some moments together before heading to my husband’s parents’ house for a fun-filled day with family. a cheeseboard, an egg hunt, cocktails, facetime with my parents, and dinner together on a gorgeous spring day  – celebrating Jesus and his unconditional love for us. 
my heart was so full at the end of the day.

for easter basket details | a basket for parks + nash
ready for church
time at the park 
he was high on life + sugar all day 
a childhood joy
the early bird
 their love is so genuine- so pure. 
bonnet | roolee
shoes | piper finn (message me for a discount code if you’re interested- they’re my favorite!) 
nash mint sweater knit shortalls | hallmark baby
shirts / parks’ shortalls | kid to kid
this is the same park where we took our engagement photos + found out nash was a boy + was outside of the view from the hospital room we had when he was born 
this is what he did all afternoon with his older cousins
i could get enough of parks in this vintage coat + hat 
he reminded me of michael from mary poppins so much (which i loved)
my favorite part of the whole day:
on the way home 
parks: “happy easter, momma – happy easter” 
“happy easter, daddy – happy easter”
and then my husband and i look at one another and melt.
it was so sweet … five minutes later, he was sound asleep.
my mother-in-law always has the most gorgeous table scape
my dress | shein
this was the first year parks was aware of what was going on … and he was simply overjoyed
little brother also loved the easter egg hunt
he sat and chewed on two eggs (a blue one and a green one) the whole time 
sweet brothers
“the great gift of 
Easter is hope.”
-basil hume

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tiny bluebird + a spring playlist