april intentions

“You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility of your life.” 
-Mary Oliver

a look back at march | 

01. a morning routine (starting next week… my problem: i stay up way too late.)
02. read four books (the heart’s invisible furies 5/5 . pretty little wife 3/5 . home front 3/5 . winter garden 5/5) 
03. yoga + walks
04. start to spend time with my girlfriends again
05. spend as much time outside as possible + time daydreaming
06. clean out our cars weekly (well, not weekly… but more than i was!) 
07. play at the park
08. drink lots of water
09. meal plan/cook three new recipes weekly
10. a date with my husband
11. organize closets for spring
12. olive june vintage collections

april intentions |

01. start a morning routine (for real.)
02. read three books
03. yoga + walks + weights
04. start to organize for warmer weather months
05. continue cooking three new recipes a week
06. trips to the market
07. daily journaling and prayer
08. the weather here has been so beautiful in north carolina … planning to take in all the parks and picnics and outdoor time
09. begin to plan and prep the outdoor area of our home – bring on the market lights, flowers, and gingham

what about you?
what are your april intentions?

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