a grateful heart

“put soul into everything.”

a grateful heart // 
01. tiny glimpses of the country. i snapped the photo above on our trip to the tree farm (from the car window) earlier this month because it reminded me of simpler days. i often dream of living in a bigger city; a city where we live in a smaller space with less things and walk everywhere. and then sometimes i dream of acres of land and an old farmhouse (like in little women – i went to the preview last night and it was simply wonderful- so beautiful. i hope to go again and highly recommend the film.) but i am always dreaming of a place with privacy where we can live freely and quietly. i always adore the quietness in my hometown. roots and wings. 
02. all the snow covered trees on social media- i miss it. 
03. fresh pine garland and strings of oranges on twine (doing this diy today) 
04. the slow unfolding of childhood … loving this stages with boys. the newborn, baby, toddler- all of it. the days can be long and hard and draining, but i truly wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
05. piano music and warm baths and eucalyptus and library trips 
06. our church community. and all the beauty and love for Jesus that it brings to my heart. i am forever grateful… for listening to my heart. 
07. watching parks + nash play and snuggle up with one another 
08. support from family 
09. a helpful and caring husband 
10. the magic of this month- and all of the giving hearts
11. we have been taking in the spirit and have been experiencing traditions, while also creating new ones … cherishing this time together. 
what are you most grateful for this week? 

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